The most rare session for business & career focus. The business world has it all wrong. Know every step you are taking is the right step and a guaranteed outcome. Doesn't matter where you are at we will tackle all issues, concerns and goals. There is so much possibility.  

You & your business will transform. 

Business Transformation

This session is about focusing in on one issue or question you feel stuck on and shifting it completely. 

Hyper Focused Session

The most popular session to create the greatest openings and life changes possible. It’s hard to put into words what goes on here, for each person it’s different. We will touch on everything that is affecting your life and how it will change. If you are feeling friction in any area of your life, having a life-altering experience, or if you ever thought “There has to be more to my life”, this session is for you.

True Alignment Session 

The session is 1 hour.

I will see what the most important elements needed to shift based on your true soul path, weeding out all the human distractions that get in the way.

Anything you are having issues with from health, career, relationships, finances, kids, pets, business, mental illness, and any other issue - will be addressed.

Aligning you to the truth to feel a complete rebalance and opening of life.

Price: $700.00

More information 

The session is 20-30 mins.

A tailored solution based on your soul path.

You will see a dramatic opening & healing happen in the area worked on.

Price $475.00

more information

The session is 1 hr & 15 mins

Your business can be transformed quickly. We will look at what pieces need to be adjusted, added, or moved to align the business to make it thrive.

Ask anything! From people issues to money to structures, to even selling your business. This is the session! 

Rate: $1200.00

more information

You can be anywhere in the world and we can connect. Reading energy works no matter where you are.
All sessions are over zoom.

How It Works

Step Four

Step Three

Step Two

Step One

Use the button below to fill out the contact form. Date & time options will be sent back to select from. 

Setting Up a Session with Valerie

Step Four

Step Three

Step Two

Step One

Once a time & day is locked in, you will receive an email with zoom links, payment information and guiding questions to answer before your session. These question are to get the lay of the land so we have more time to dive into everything. 

Information & Questionnaire 

Step Four

Step Three

Step Two

Step One

Find a place to be comfortable and it's recommended to record the session. Each session is different for everyone but you will feel the greatest shifts during and after. 

During the Session

Step Four

Step Three

Step Two

Step One

Energy work will be done after the session. The healing will be tailored to the individual to help the body and energy heal and line up to everything that was talked about within the session.- Hyper Focus sessions do not include energy work. 

ENERGY HEALING MAY INCLUDE; energy frequency boost, energy recovery, energy cord-cutting, chakra boost, chakra repair, open heart healing, healing body parts, ageless youth healing, aura boost, nadis boost, removal of dark energies, shifting limiting beliefs, soul karma, akashic records pull, memory removal and more

Energy Work

unlock your GOLDEN TIMELINE. We live in a world that scientifically makes it impossible to see, until now

Join my email list, you never know what magic will unfold. 

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