I see where a soul is at, where it wants to go, and what is blocking it from getting there. With 20+ years and over 10,000 hours of mastery in understanding how this world works on a physical and energetic level, I know how to see through the human chaos and get a soul connected to it's true path the quickest way possible. I help drastically change people's roadblocks in life and bring clarity to be able to move forward with incredible outcomes. I mix the spiritual with practical, so everything feels tangible, unlocking your true path. What I like to call your GOLDEN TIMELINE, We live in a world that scientifically makes it impossible to see, until now.
Hello, I'm Valerie! I read energy like a book.
"Sessions with Valerie have been among the most transformative experiences of my life. This work is about seeing yourself, really seeing yourself—-locking eyes with all of the potential, all of the goodness, all of the light that is yours to come into. One of the ways you know someone is at the top of their game is when every single second of your time together is “juiced” — you step into a session with Valerie and it’s go-time. Acceleration turbo-boost. Every moment expanded and utilized to its fullest. And what I feel, over and over again, is joy. Real true joy in the process and real true joy in Valerie’s presence . . . she lights up everything. Never have I been more excited about life. Never have I felt more in touch with the power I have at my disposal. Never have I felt more in touch with the me who has always been here, waiting to blossom into it all. Sessions with someone at this level of mastery have completely recalibrated my understanding of what it means to be guided. Investing in these sessions has met me with more than I could have ever imagined. Dividends beyond dividends, and I know it will continue to."
writer Brooke Mazurek
"Someone asked me recently how I would spend my day if I knew it was my very last on earth and the first thing that popped into my mind was having a Valerie session. Of all the things I might recommend in this lifetime, a Valerie session is at the top of the list. There is a much easier and more enjoyable way to exist on this planet and Valerie will help you get there. It will open your eyes and bring you back to who you know you are deep in your core, then help you actually live there. I can say this with 100% certainty. Seeing Valerie has completely transformed my life, to the point where I can say with total confidence now that I no longer have anxiety, and I love being alive in every moment—pleasant and tough. The magic that I used to feel deep down in myself only once in a while, is now a constant. If you’re considering a session, run! Do not wait! It’s worth every penny and the best investment you could make to enjoy your time here during this fleeting life we have.”
Emma Greenberg
Founder & CEO of Greenberg Bryant Services
"I heard about Valerie from a (normally skeptical) friend. She knows I'm open minded and believe in soul magic and so she was excited to tell me she'd found 'the real thing' and share her profound experience with me. I immediately vowed to book a session and forgot to ask her the cost. When I learned it was a little outside my normal range of affordability, I took a leap of faith because I could see how much healing energy and clarity my friend had received.
The minute Valerie came on the screen, I was overcome with such a feeling of authenticity and supportive light that I said to myself 'whatever she needs to exchange monetarily for this service, it's 1000% worth it' and that's without her even saying one word. I have a lot of issues with self-worth and undervaluing myself.
The things she said to me, simply, clearly, as if we were talking about springtime or flavors of tea, were life-changing. It was as if someone gave me a gentle shake and pointed out the path in neon. Because of her support I had the ability to stay grounded in a way I never did before. I also derived tremendous benefit from her heart-opening recording which was part of my homework. I feel so much more in tune with my soul and happier in the day to day".
Writer Rima Lyn
"I was blown away by some concepts that I'd never heard and by the many "a-ha" moments throughout. Val's calming energy and beautiful spirit supports her ability to take complex ideas and life-changing information and make them easy to understand and apply. This is for anyone who truly wants to bring more peace and joy into their lives. I am so grateful. Thank you, Val!"
Marion B. Swanson, PsyD
"As someone in the field of energy work, I am highly selective in choosing whom I work with to self-actualize and seek clarity from. As a teacher and deep seeker of wisdom, I’m keenly aware of so many of the potholes and pitfalls of even the best of intentioned lightworkers. Val is on a VERY short list of people whom I trust to be a clear channel and conduit of information when I am struggling to be that for myself. Her dedication to understanding who she is and who we are, multidimensionally(mental, emotional, spiritual) makes her an invaluable resource for anyone who desires universe-shattering truth and expansive growth.
Val knows how to get to the core of everything and offers tailored directives that will create the most empowering change moving you through the cycle of fragmentation and wholeness".
Drummer Steve Sinatra
Hosted by intuitive healer Valerie Mya, “The Valerie Mya Channel” is for those who believe there has to be more to life or an easier way to live and are ready to access everything this life has to offer.
Valerie has been on a quest to uncover and master what it takes to unlock and connect to your soul's truest value—both personally and in business. What she has discovered about the universe, and what lies within each of us, is life-changing…
There is a way to unlock yourself and the world around you to create and access more than you could ever imagine, and this podcast will give you the tools and perspectives to get there.
Valerie will share spiritual yet scientifically grounded insights, energetic hacks, and channeled guidance to help you unlock this world and access what she calls your GOLDEN TIMELINE—the path where everything comes to life.
If you’re ready to awaken your true value and create a reality you love living in, this is the channel for you.
The Valerie Mya Channel
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